And Then There Were None

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And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
Reviewed by Zainab

Eight shady strangers are brought together under false pretences and numbers slowly decline after a disembodied voice announces the true reason for their invitation to Soldier Island. A classic novel written by Agatha Christie who clearly was one of the first to write for the mystery genre but I wouldn't call it great literature; the book had a few clichΓ©s in it and had me rolling my eyes at some points. After reading the epilogue we find out the whodunit and the how but it was profoundly unsatisfying... I felt like there was no major revelation or great plot twist. Perhaps it's because we've all watched and read a thousand mystery films and novels that an Agatha Christie one doesn't seem so original anymore. If this was one of the first mystery books I read I would have had a much greater appreciation for her stories. Nonetheless, it's gotten me curious so will check out more of her work.


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