Meet Mimi

When I was a little girl, my parents knew the best way to keep me distracted or occupied was to give me a book. "Reading is the magic key to take you where you want to be" was the mantra I was raised on and one that I still live by.⁣

Fast forward nearly 3 decades and we have this wonderful book club where this hobby could actually mean something. For me, this book club has been about forming friendships, meeting different people, reading to defeat ignorance, to understand and appreciate those that haven't had the same life as me. It's also the most wonderful escapism. I often find myself at a loss with what to watch on Netflix as there is just too much choice. I am happier taking refuge in the pages of a book!⁣

Historical fiction, detective dramas, books that feature strong women, political memoirs, biographies of sports stars are the kinds of books that make up shelves. I definitely absorb through physical books but have recently started to listen to stuff on audible and really enjoy memoirs read by the author.⁣

I don't think I'm ever going to get bored of the amazing events we get to go to and some of the incredible books we get to read ahead of release. The meet ups we do are always enjoyable and to be in a position where we are getting authors to our events is unreal!⁣

My recent favourites:⁣
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell⁣
How to Fail by Elizabeth Day⁣
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman⁣
We Should All be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi⁣