We Are All Birds of Uganda

We Are All Birds of Uganda by Hafsa Zayyan
Reviewed by Jess

Stories that go back and forth in time to give historical context to a modern story seem to be popular recently, and with good reason, as this debut novel from Hafsa Zayyan wonderfully demonstrates. The story of present day Sameer in London, lost in his job and lost in his identity, is layered with his grandfather Hasanโ€™s story in 1960s Uganda, where he is left stateless and rootless in a country he thought was home.

Sameer is definitely an interesting character to read; his insecurities, vulnerabilities and desires are on full display. A stressful work situation combined with a tragic incident involving his best friend pulls him back to his hometown Leicester, and sets off a chain of unusual, sometimes rash decisions. As he throws caution to the wind we follow him on his journey of discovery, back to Uganda where history and present day collide.

I really settled into this story, and felt like I could have kept reading (not helped by the somewhat open ending!!). Itโ€™s beautifully descriptive, and addresses so many bigger issues without being preachy or overly labouring the point. I particularly enjoyed Hasanโ€™s letters and learning about the South Asian expulsion from East Africa - my family too are from there and settled in Leicester, so itโ€™s a personal connection for me. I would have loved to have more in-depth understanding of Maryam, the key figure in Uganda who seems to change everything for Sameer, as I didnโ€™t quite feel the connection. Overall, an excellent emotional read on what it means to belong and to find a home.

Jess Pancholi

Iโ€™ve got to start this off by thanking Linda for putting together this amazing group of ladies who I love dearly! Linda was my uni/PhD wife for 8 solid years and books were one of the many things that bound us together - pun intended! I really think our book family is amazing, diverse and we really influence each other to push our reading boundaries (and crack each other up with our banter and jokes haha!) The family extends to you followers too - and we are just getting started!

According to everyone in my family and numerous home movies I was forever reading books.  Spot the Dog and anything Beatrix Potter were my jam. They say your love of reading never dies and I can absolutely say that is true! The books might be more grown up but Iโ€™m still there, book in hand (and snacks to boot!) ready to lose myself in a story.I canโ€™t say for sure what my preferred genre of book is - Iโ€™ve read everything from biographies to epic modern novels and classic tales too - and of course as a scientist I dabble in a little popular sci lit on the side. Iโ€™m always willing to try something wacky and weird, even if I donโ€™t like it in the end but I guess thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m part of The Candid Book Club, eh?

If you asked me to recommend some books to you, I would say that Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy is my absolute favourite ever; its worth it, I promise!I also love: Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli (shout out if you read this in high school - itโ€™s YA that really sticks with you) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley The Good Immigrant edited by Nikesh Shukla (this is ESSENTIAL reading) Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami A Little Life by Hanyayan Agihara, Yes Please by Amy Poehler. And of course- The Tale of Jemima Puddleduck by Beatrix Potter




We Are All Birds of Uganda