The Godfather

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The Godfather by Mario Puzo
Reviewed by Omma

I am a film fanatic and I had watched the films before I even knew it was based on a book. I was then given the book to read during an arduous hospital stay and it went a long way in making that time almost enjoyable! This is one of my favourite books to recommend to people and I am yet to come across someone who didnโ€™t enjoy it. I re-watched the film after this and it made me love it even more (The Godfather is a 10 on my IMDb list!). Iโ€™ve always loved a good backstory and this book provides that especially for Vito Corleone! The story is simply written making it a nice easy read, with the perfect balance of description and detail with dialogue. Would definitely recommend this if you liked the films and Iโ€™d heavily recommend it if you didnโ€™t!

Omma Ahmed

Iโ€™ve always loved reading as a kid because it was one of the few Asian-mum approved hobbies although she would have preferred โ€˜less novels and more school booksโ€™! I also grew up in the Harry Potter era so thatโ€™s when I really remember falling in love with reading. (Big up my Y7 English teacher for reading a few pages of Philosophers stone at the end of every lesson! You were a real one Mr Williams!) I love being part of this book page (even though I slack massively due to lack of energy and concentration!) because sometimes it felt like a lifeline to help keep me sane. We started it during the time I was feeling really shitty about my Crohnโ€™s disease. Itโ€™s been a tough 7 years and the last 3 have probably been the hardest especially mentally so when Linda suggested putting this page together, without hesitation I was down and Iโ€™m so proud of us! Writing reviews helped me to organise my thoughts and even resulted in me creating a second Instagram page (@AnOstomateForLife) about my Crohnโ€™s journey. Yes that was a shameless plug and Iโ€™m not sorry! Along with reviews, Iโ€™ve also loved the creative side of things such as having input in our logo, creating our bookmark and taking book pictures even though itโ€™s awkward af in public! So a few of my fave books: The Godfather by Mario Puzo (made me love the film even more! Iโ€™m a self-proclaimed movie buff too btw), Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X and Alex Healy, The Harry Potter series (obviously), Jemima J by Jane Green, Moonlight over Manhattan by Sarah Morgan, Whereโ€™d You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple and We Should All Be Feminists Chimamanda Adichie.


Mornings in Jenin

