Me Before You

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Me before you by Jojo Moyes
Reviewed by Tanya

It was an enjoyable read however not one I would pick up again. I definitely preferred watching the film more than I did reading the book. I felt Jojo dragged on the story at certain points and at times I dozed off or found myself skipping parts. I think if those parts were cut out it would have been perfect. Apart from that the book was sweet, it did leave me a little teary-eyed but then again what book doesn’t leave me in tears! The build-up of Will and Clark’s relationship was great and wasn’t rushed. The ending wasn’t a typical ending you expect from a romantic novel but I think that’s what makes it that little bit more interesting. I look forward to reading After You to see what happens next with Lou Clark.

Tanya Ahmed

Soy Tanya. I’m the youngest of the group...and I don’t really know what to say except that I find these things really awkward. When Linda first came to me with this idea of an online bookclub/review page I was 100% down, although I was a little worried and felt like backing out on many occasions as I felt like my reviews were awful - I’m not good with words at all. If anyone was to ask me a year ago how I found a book, I’d reply: “good” - that’s my review done. But being part of this club with such amazing girls has really made me a lot more confident and comfortable. So I’ll forever be grateful. It’s always a laugh when we’re together, we are guaranteed to get side-tracked but our meetings are always productive and a lot of fun. This is just the beginning for us. I like reading all kinds of books from different genres but prefer romance/YA. With work being full on I like feel-good books that are light and easy. I’m currently in the middle of reading a few books lol but sticking to The Zanzibar Wife by Rebecca Rodriquez. Reading for me is a form of escapism, just getting away from the stress of real life and getting lost in book and falling in love with characters. I can’t list my top 5 or even top 10 so here are a few of my all-time favourites: The Sicilian by Mario Puzo To all the boys I’ve loved before by Jenny Han, A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hoseeini, The Forty Rules of Love by Shafa Kelif Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith and Moonlight Over Manhattan by Sarah Morgan.




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