Mandela: My Prisoner, My Friend

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Mandela: My Prisoner, My Friend by Christo Brand
Reviewed by Warren

Nelson Mandela met a lot of people in his 95 years as the world's greatest ever freedom fighter - and many of them have tried to make money from their encounters. So the question is - is this 16 chapters of exaggeration or has Christo Brand honestly got the inside track on one of the most inspirational men of our time? I'm 99% sure it's the latter. If you ignore the very occasional over-excitement Christo expresses when describing his meetings with Madiba, you uncover memories told from the heart of someone with unprecedented access to him. At 19, Christo ordered his country's "most dangerous terrorist" to his knees in a prison cell. At 34, he worked for that very same man, the President of South Africa. Christo, a white man, detested the treatment of blacks during Apartheid and that alone meant he truly was a dear friend of the late Nelson Mandela. And his story, this book, is one worth reading.




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