The Hate U Give


The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
Guest reviewed by Lucy
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This book addresses so many harsh realities about racism, social discrimination, police brutality, and injustice yet, it manages to do this in an accessible and educational way that will appeal to any reader. ⁣
Starr’s resilience and compassion throughout the book is something we should all aspire to. Watching Starr stand against the adversity that stood in her way made me to want to read on and on.... I also absolutely loved the family dynamic in the book. Starr’s family was so close-knit and realistic that it made the story even more appealing.⁣
What can’t be ignored is the huge emphasis on using your voice. This book is so real and highlights the current state of marginalised societies which can’t be disregarded. Starr, a young girl, shows us how crucial it is to speak up about causes you are passionate about no matter what the aftermath will be. ⁣
This was such an incredible and moving read which really makes you value how lucky some of us are to live in societies or countries where you can voice your opinion and speak up about issues that affect you without facing the injustice that so many deal with every day.


The Family Tree


The Family Tree