Falling Upward

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Falling Upward by Richard Rohr
Reviewed by Mariam

A typically profound yet understated Richard Rohr offering. In this book he manages to articulate the complexity of maturity in faith and put into words a journey that many of us find ourselves in but don't know how to explain. Rohr speaks eloquently about the two halves of life and our journeying, our to-ing and fro-ing, our ebbing & flowing from one to the other, should you choose to enter and explore the 2nd half. He gives expression to the dangers of staying in the first half of life - where "success, security and containment - "looking good" to ourselves and others - are almost the only questions" and how it can excuse us or free us from the burden of thinking and person responsibility, making us blind followers of dominating leaders. What I found so real in this book is that he doesn't glorify one way of life as a no-brained but very rawly speaks of the suffering, unknownness and discomfort of moving through stages. For many of us who at times become disillusioned with religious structures, leaders and blind followers, this book provides a channel of thought and emotion and a challenge to broaden perspectives both for those stuck in the 1st half of life and for those moving into the 2nd.


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