

Consent by Annabel Lyon
Reviewed by Mimi

Thank you to @atlanticbooks for this copy! πŸ’“

Our story is based on two sets of twins with seemingly no connection. Mattie and Sara are two sisters that could not be more different. Mattie has learning difficulties and Sara is a high flyer. Saskia and Jenny are also polar opposites Jenny is the kind of person who takes great care of her appearance, loves the male gaze whereas Saskia is your bookish type. In the first part of the book a tragedy befalls Jenny and Mattie and one that shakes Saskia and Sara respectively. The rest of the novel copes with the aftermath of these shocking events.

What immediately strikes me about this book is how much gets covered but it really doesn't feel rushed. The sibling and wider family relationships are really well put together. The concept of looking after a family member who doesn't have the capacity to look after themselves is something that in such a short space of time is so clearly laid out. What also follows in the course of these tragedies is the discovery of secrets and intrigue that results in the stories linking. This is where the concept of consent comes into play but I won't ruin it by saying any more!

This was an easy read but felt fresh and original. The bond between sisters is one covered in plenty of literature but not like this. The link between them gives the story a surprising turn and it was all so intriguing. I was totally sucked in and thoroughly enjoyed the twists and turns. It's increasingly hard to avoid the clichΓ©s but this book does well to do just that.

Miriam Hanna

Aka Mimi. I have known Linda for a very, very long time. We grew up together and you learn very quickly that when she gets an idea in her head, you would be an idiot not to back her to see it through. When the idea of the book club came up it was another lightbulb moment where I knew this wasn't only going to be a success but really fun.

I have always been a bookworm. Remember when you were little and you went shopping with your mum or dad and they gave you a toy or something to occupy yourself with whilst you were in the trolley? I used to get books to keep me quiet. They were and are my ultimate form of escapism and more and more they are about understanding who I am as a person. Books make me cry more than films and TV Shows. I can get lost for hours. I love historic fiction, political thrillers and gritty crime novels but also biographies and memoirs of people I find interesting like sportspeople. I was fortunate to be in the Harry Potter generation and if weren't for those books I don't know what I would have. Young literature was so poor at the point. To have a book that had me and my family queuing up at midnight to buy was seriously special.

Whether you listen to audio books, read off a kindle or stick to carrying around good old fashioned hard copies (that's me!) I truly believe reading is the best way to spend some time every day.

The books I would have with me on a desert island? πŸ“šπŸHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Akzaban, Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters, The Power by Naomi Alderman, Mom & Me & Mom by Maya Angelou, Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian, Born a Crime by Trevor Noah and The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.



