American Psycho

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American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
Reviewed by Sobia

American Psycho is a story set in the 1980s and about a guy called Patrick Bateman who leads a double life. On the surface Patrick is your typical handsome Investment Banker who describes in detail, his very superficial daily life - nightclubs, drinking, snorting cocaine and trading fashion advice. The other side to Patrick is a psychopath. As the story progresses his killings become more and more sadistic and twisted in every sense.
I'm in two minds about whether I like this book or not. On one hand It's beautifully written in the sense that the author is so descriptive and really manages to make you picture each horrific scene mentally. However I found this book too gory and slightly disturbing and the ending left me quite confused as I wasn't sure whether it was real or if he imagined the whole thing! I think I'm going to have to read this book once more and watch the movie to see how it's played out to help me decide what I think. Definitely worth a read if you're not the squeamish type. And whoever has read it feel free to discuss or even enlighten me lol


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